Its All About Jesus

The Founders, Jason and Sharon Merica heard a loud and clear call from Jesus to share His love. Like a lot of his disciples, first He had to pull them up and out of the miry clay and place them on a rock. That act of love and mercy started an incredible chain of events. It began simply by writing Jesus love you in the sand and praying with those they encountered. Then quickly growing into a ministry of outreach, compassion, rescue, and partnership. Exploding into a movement that has impacted so many. We do this with a simple tool of connection, the free gift of a t-shirt and bracelet (or seeds as we call them). These seeds and the holy spirit, have rescued so many lost and broken, connecting the followers of Jesus and sharing the love of God in such an anointed and profound way, only Our Jesus could of done it.

Then He said to His disciples,

“The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Mathew 9:37

What We Do

  • We wear our gear wherever we go. Its hard to explain until you experience it. God uses the very image on the shirts to call the lost, create connection and do his work thru us that are willing. 

  • We give away our gear- We call it planting seeds. handing out T-shirts and other gear is simple, allowing anyone to spread the gospel. It opens the door to connection, freeing the heart and mind to experience the love of Jesus. Both the giver and receiver are blessed.

  • Community outreach - We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever he leads. Praying with those in need. Feeding the hungry. Serving the widows, orphans and under privileged. Helping those that are lock up and bound for whatever reason. Being a bold example and helping other multiplies all that God is doing.    

  • Partner with other organizations - The most powerful outreach events we do, are the ones in which we partner in unity with churches, business and other non profits. Growing in strength and unity, doing more than we ever could separately.

  • Partner with other organizations - The most powerful outreach events we do, are the ones in which we partner in unity with churches, business and other non profits. Growing in strength and unity, doing more than we ever could separately.

  • Outreach training - Helping others grow in confidence and multiplying Jesus to so many in need

  • We put up billboards, signs and advertising - Especially near public schools

  • The sand writers club - Use the vast and diverse mission field of the beach to write Jesus Loves You in the sand. We have seen Jesus use this in such a profound way. Connecting so many to or back to there Lord and savior

  • Missionary support - Providing resources and rest to missionaries all over the world

  • Help those we connect with - to a bible believing church, discipleship and support

At The Jesus Loves You Project, we could do nothing without Jesus and people like you. Every act of kindness, every dollar, and every moment of your time brings us closer to achieving the mission. Together, we can fill the world with the love of Jesus.