The Founding of The Jesus Loves You Project…Giving it all up for Jesus.
The founders Jason and Sharon Merica with there 4 children
The Founders, Jason and Sharon Merica heard a loud and clear call from Jesus to share His love. Like a lot of his disciple, first He had to pull them up and out of the miry clay and placed them on a rock. That act of love and mercy Jesus showed them, started an incredible chain of events. It began simply by writing Jesus love you in the sand. Then quickly growing into a ministry of outreach, compassion, rescue, and partnership. Exploding into a movement that has impacted so many, all using the simple tool of connection thru the free gift of a t-shirt and bracelet (or seed as we call them) These Jesus Loves You T-Shirts have rescued the lost and broken, connected the followers of Jesus and shared the of God in such a anointed and profound way, only Our Jesus could of done it. (FULL STORY COMING SOON)